MOST is an online, English language contemporary art journal that focuses on the region that is known as Central and Eastern Europe. Defining this term broadly, we are interested in tracing artistic and cultural practices, mapping local identities, and highlighting both commonalities and diversities. MOST aims to be a resource for a regional and international audience and presents art writing, exhibitions, and projects focusing especially in regions that face underrepresentation or lack of access or resources.

In recognition of the patriarchal and colonialist history that shapes our use of the English language, MOST honors the diverse language experiences of our contributing writers and supports the flexibility that exists within the English language. Our editing process is adapted for each text we publish, which typically includes extensive dialogue with our contributing writers. We orient our platform towards both emerging and established writers who are interested in broadening the understanding of this region and making it more accessible to an international audience, and welcome submissions from cultural workers, students to seasoned professionals, in both conventional and non-traditional fields who are dealing with contemporary, critical culture. 

Rather than adhering to arbitrary timescales, MOST is not published by issue but on an “as-ready” basis (when our texts or announcements are ready, we publish). As well, we do not follow the typical schedule of publishing exhibition-related content only while the exhibition is on view for several reasons: we aim to be a research tool for professionals in the field, as well, the reality is that many (if not most) of our readers will not have access to physically engaging with the works we feature. 

MOST is a non-profit organization. It was formally established in 2023 by Vera Zalutskaya (BY), Ewa Borysiewicz (PL), and Katie Zazenski (US). We work as a co-editor-in-chief team, making all decisions together. We have been working in this constellation since autumn 2021, formerly as the co-editor-in-chief team of BLOK magazine.

Our goal for MOST is to create a magazine that is valuable as a cultural resource and is sustainable for its editors, authors, and readers in terms of both professional and affective labor.